Cutting-Edge and Innovative Research with Mimics Innovation Suite: Mimics Innovation Awards 2020 Asia Pacific Finalists Presentation


By Tamara M. Grant, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia & Dr. Sandeep Dahake, VNIT, Nagpur, India


The Mimics Innovation Awards celebrate the most meaningful innovations in personalized care and open our minds to new and previously unimaginable possibilities. The two finalists from the previous Mimics Innovation Award 2020, Asia Pacific Region will be presenting their innovative approach and use of Materialise Medical software in their research projects.


Tamara M. Grant, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia 

Musculoskeletal models are important tools for studying movement patterns, tissue loading, and neuromechanics. Personalizing bone anatomy within models improves analysis accuracy. Statistical shape models of the primary functional segments of the foot have the potential to inform clinical decisions, prosthesis design, and preoperative planning. Tamara & her research team in the Centre for Musculoskeletal Research at Griffith University, has successfully developed and validate the statistical shape models of the primary functional bone segment of the foot.  

Dr. Sandeep Dahake, VNIT, Nagpur, India

Reconstruction of mandible followed by accurate tumors resection is usually complex, time-consuming and unpredictable due to limited visibility of closed internal structures, the presence of teeth and their relationship with bone, interference with occlusion, and joints with other bone. With 3D surgical planning and printing technologies, Dr Sandeep Dahake and his team from VNIT collaborated with Government Dental College & Hospital, (GDCH), Nagpur &DattaMeghe Institute of Medical Sciences (DMIMS), Wardha; to design customized surgical osteotomy guide to facilitate the accurate mandibular tumor resection and customized implant/scaffold fixation in planned location in mandibular reconstruction of 15 patients. These surgical osteotomies guides are capable to accurately transfer the 3D surgical plan into the actual surgery and helps to enhance the reconstruction outcomes in the patient 


Point-of-Care 3D Printing


What you’ll learn in this webinar recording:

  • How Dr. Sandeep, Tamara, and their team are able to achieve their research objective with the help of Mimics Innovation Suite 

  • How to participate in the Mimics Innovation Awards 2021


Dr. Sandeep Dahake

Dr. Sandeep Dahake, PhD 
Founder & CEO, Precisurg Pvt. Ltd.

Tamara M. Grant

Tamara M. Grant, 
Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Tamara M. Grant 

Tamara Grant completed a Bachelor of Exercise Science(hons) at Griffith University in 2017. During her degree, she began working with Griffith Centre of Biomedical and Rehabilitation Engineering (GCORE). She commenced her PhD in 2019, where here focus has been applying lower-limb biomechanical analyses and personalised modelling to compare treatment effects of surgery and conservative management on patients with hip impingement.

Dr. Sandeep Dahake 

Dr Sandeep W. Dahake completed his Post-Doctoral (2019) & PhD (2018) in CAD CAM centre, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT) Nagpur, India, in Design and development of Rapid prototyping-assisted customized surgical guides and customized implants for complex surgeries under the supervision of Dr Abhaykumar M. Kuthe from VNIT Nagpur, India. He holds a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s degree in CAD/CAM from Nagpur University, India. His research areas include rapid prototyping, CAD/CAM and design & development of custom biomedical devises.

Materialise medical device software may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/ or medical practices in individual markets. In countries where no regulatory registration is obtained of Mimics and/or 3-matic Medical, a research version is available. Please contact your Materialise representative if you have questions about the availability of Materialise medical device software in your area.


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