
Materialise Motion | How to Analyze Your Patient




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Video topics

  • 2D option – 0:35 
  • Zones option – 0:54 
  • Risk analysis option – 1:34 

Description of the different steps

  1. Before analyzing your patient, we advise doing a quick check of the scans you made. The software has already deleted all incomplete foot strikes during the recording, but it's always possible to miss an incomplete or wrong foot strike.  
  2. The footscan plate has several exciting features which you can use to analyze your patient. For the orthotics, the 2D, zones, and risk analysis options are the most useful ones to examine.  
  3. The 2D option gives you a good idea of the foot type of the patient. You can evaluate the peak pressure on the foot and look at the roll-off timing. The center of the pressure line tells you whether the foot is pronating or supinating and can be a useful tool to find issues in your patient's gait.  
  4. The zones option is the most interesting option of the footscan software, as it divides the foot into ten anatomical zones and shows the force applied on every zone. Look at the force values for the feet you have selected ('Select feet') or change the setting in the screen's top right to visualize the average forces. The average force values are the values that our algorithm will use to give you specific correction recommendations in the design wizard. The more you look at these, the more you will understand how the algorithm works and the more comfortable you will be with overruling a specifically recommended correction if you disagree with it.  
  5. When using the risk analysis option, be careful not to share the analysis too soon, before aligning with your insight and how your patient feels. The risk analysis divides the roll-off into its three phases: initial heel contact, midstance, and propulsion. Each stage will show you the balance between the medial and the lateral side, highlighting it with risk if there is too much loading on one of them. The software uses the input from the forces per zone to calculate this, which you also have in the zones option. For the initial heel contact, the software evaluates the medial-lateral balance during the first 15% of the roll-off. It estimates the midstance from 20-40%, and from 50-80%, it compares the medial metatarsal zones with the lateral metatarsal zones.