
Materialise Motion | How to Manage Orders with the Online Portal




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Description of the different steps

  1. In the footscan ‘Orders' tab and on the RS Print online portal https://portal.rsprint.com you can find all your submitted orders. You can filter by 'In process,' 'Ready to ship,' or 'Shipped' to find your orders' statuses in production or search for a specific case by the order ID or the reference ID.
  2. Every pair of orthotics has its unique order ID number, which is printed on the bottom of the base. With this number, you can look up the orthotics design that was previously chosen for this pair.
  3. By clicking the download button in the top right, you can download the RSDB file used to create the orthotics design of an ordered orthotics pair.
  4. When these RSDB files are imported into the footscan database, you will have the previous session in your database, making it easy to compare the progress of your patient and see whether design changes are required.