
Materialise Motion | How to Measure Your Patient with a 3D Scanner




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No time to watch the complete video? Jump to the topics of your interest. Have a look at the time stamps below.

  • Semi-weight bearing – 0:30 
  • Full-weight bearing – 0:41 
  • Non-weight bearing – 0:58 
  • STL import function – 2:05 


Description of the different steps

  1. Click 'Add' in the database to add a new customer or select an existing customer and click 'Record' to take a 3D scan.
  2. Choose a name for the session, fill in the weight and the foot size of the patient, and select the 3D scan protocol. There are different methods for taking a 3D scan of your patient's feet.
  3. Semi-weight bearing For a semi-weight-bearing scan, make sure the patient's weight is divided evenly over both feet. Position the foot on the scanner and start the scan.
  4. Full-weight bearing For a complete weight-bearing scan, make sure the patient's full weight is on the foot to be scanned.
  5. Non-weight bearing For a non-weight-bearing scan, the foot is in contact with the scan surface without bearing the patient's weight. For example, you can use a chair to sit the patient in front of the scanner.
  6. Position the patient on the scanner and click 'Scan left/right foot.' Click 'Next' to go to the following protocols and to finish the measurement.
  7. The software automatically calculates the foot length, foot width, arch height, and arch length and estimates the shoe size based on the shoe allowance you selected.
  8. Click on 'Plantar surface photo' to see the 2D picture from the plantar foot taken during the scan. This is applicable only for Tiger and E500 scanners.
  9. STL import function In case you are using the STL import function, go to the patient's data, and click 'Import 3D scan' on the left side of the screen.
  10. Select an STL or OBJ file, and select the Meta 1, Meta 5, and the heel from the plantar side.
  11. Click ‘Next’ [Or finish, to check] to finalize the import process