
Materialise Motion | How to Perform a Measurement for a Full-Length Insole




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Description of the different steps

  1. The phits full-length insoles are full-length 3D-printed devices that allow you to add a medial or lateral forefoot wedge to the design of your insoles. The full-length protocol will give you an idea of the needed correction in the forefoot and is an excellent addition to a cycling shoe fitting.
  2. Our full-length insoles are specifically made for more rigid shoes, like a cycling shoe or a ski boot. They should not be recommended in regular everyday shoes.
  3. For the full-length protocol, we advise taking a walking and a running measurement, both barefoot. The walking measurement will act as a backup; the running measurement will be used when making the insole’s design.
  4. A unique feature of the full-length protocol is the single-leg squat. It is intended to simulate, for example, stepping on a bicycle's pedals or the patient’s alpine skiing position. When explaining this measurement to your patient, make sure to stress that it's not a training exercise for them. You want to test their balance in the forefoot when performing the squat. It’s best to put something in front of them, a chair, for example, so it's easier to keep balance. Also, ask them to lean towards their forefoot as much as possible.
  5. The full-length protocol is performed in six steps, which must be followed within the same time interval:
    1. Do a sidestep on the footscan plate with foot A
    2. Bend the knee of foot B and raise the leg to make sure it is not influencing the measurement
    3. Bend knee A to start the squat
    4. Extend knee A to end the squat
    5. Place foot B next to the footscan® plate
    6. Position foot A next to foot B
    The patient's position is back at the starting position.
  6. Try to have at least three steps per foot making sure you measure left and right in separate sessions. This will make it easier to evaluate the results afterward.