
Materialise Motion | How to Involve Your Patient in Your Treatment Plan




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Video topics

  • Static scan – 0:14 
  • Dynamic screen – 0:36 
  • The 3D option – 1:00 
  • The impulse – 1:12 
  • The zones option – 1:31 

Description of the different steps

  1. Depending on which protocols you did for the patient, you’ll find the different measurement results on the left side of the analyze screen. 
  2. The static scan is an easy way to give essential feedback to your customer. You can see the weight distribution left versus right, front versus rear, and in the four quadrants. You also get a first idea of the foot type of your patient and the relative pressure distribution. The red areas are the ones with the highest pressure.
  3. In the dynamic screen, there are several options you can use to give feedback to your patient. The 2D is the first one. By clicking on 'Select feet,' you can choose which foot you want to analyze. You can show the roll-off pattern, explain where the peak pressure points are, and show how their center of pressure line progresses during the roll-off.
  4. The 3D option is like the 2D option but displayed in a heightmap. This visually strong option can help patients understand why they experience pain at a particular place on their feet.
  5. The impulse is also a derivative of the 2D pressure on the foot, but we're taking time into account for this one. The red areas in the impulse option are potential risk areas for patients with sensitive feet because a higher pressure is working on that area for a longer time.
  6. The zones option is an exciting feature. However, it might be too complex for your customer. On the left, you see both feet divided into ten anatomical zones. On the right side of the screen, you see the force applied to each of these zones. You can look at this graph for each foot individually, or you can change the setting to 'plot force of' on the top right to 'average feet' to see the average force values for each zone.