Nils Torke August 17, 2017

Materialise employees never hesitate to go the extra mile. Two of our teams from Munich and Bremen recently took the chance to participate at their local B2RUN, running a total of 6km.

Why did they choose to join the B2RUN? The B2RUN is an event organized all across Germany, with the aim of getting office workers off their chairs and into their running shoes. Our teams decided to join for various reasons - there were those who are really into running and are looking for some friendly competition. And others just liked the idea of spending some time with their colleagues. Some employees even started to run regularly just to be able to participate in the run, and were motivated by the joy of taking on a fresh challenge. Whatever the individual reasons were, the extra effort payed off in the long run.

Materialise Bremen team

After mastering the B2RUN last year, the Munich team couldn’t miss this year’s run. And for the Bremen team, it was their first time joining the B2RUN in Bremen. They immediately got their first challenge when the start got delayed by more than two hours due to harsh weather conditions. The rain during the run didn’t make it easier, but all participants made it to the finish line!

Regardless of why everyone participated, when the team met after the run, one thing was clear: they had started as individuals but finished as a team. Together they went the extra mile. Sometimes all it takes is the right mindset!

Materialise Munich team

Interested in finding out about more sports initiatives organized by Materialise? Take a look at our Run4Benin project!