
QualiCal’s METRO puts 3D Printing in the Limelight

Solutions: Certified Additive Manufacturing, Laser Sintering

Italian engineering company QualiCal saw an opportunity for innovation in lime production, and asked — could 3D printing help eliminate the single biggest cause of production downtime? It could and it has. Partnering with us, QualiCal developed a shaft level indicator that offers the potential for increased revenue of up to €1,400,000.

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Reimagining Agricultural Pest Control with Soleon’s 3D-Printed Drones

Solutions: Certified Additive Manufacturing, Laser Sintering, Polyamide

Italian drone company Soleon has diverse projects, from aerial photography to thermal mapping drones. For years now, Soleon has been working with Materialise to adapt their products quickly to the needs of their customers, shorten lead times and reduce the weight of the drone parts compared to expensive and time-consuming milled parts.

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