Materials and colors

Your model can now be printed in thousands of possible colors and combinations; a valuable tool for educational environments. Highlight valves, arteries or other structures for specific areas of interest.

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HeartPrint Flex

Premium material to best represents the compliance of cardiac tissue. Useful for creating fully flexible representations of anatomy to create a more realistic planning and training experience. 


Add color to models to identify anatomical structures in the model. Useful for understanding complex anatomy & pathology, for patient education and for physician training.


Use high resolution, transparent models to see the internal details of the anatomy. Useful to simulate placement of devices and to understand its interactions with the anatomy.

Imaging requirements

To ensure that your Materialise HeartPrint model reaches the required level of detail and accuracy, we recommend that you use contrast-enhanced images with isotropic voxels.

Check out Imaging Guidelines chevron_right.

3D Printing in Hip Treatment.jpg

Material characteristics

Understand the material characteristics of the personalized cardiovascular anatomical models similar to arterial tissue.

Download Whitepaper chevron_right.

Gain better insight into complex pathologies
with realistic, 3D-printed heart models

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