How virtual patients can accelerate implant development, exemplified by the DJO Exprt® revision hip

by Adam Shallenberg, P.E.

Medical image-based population analysis software and services enable anatomical engineers to design and test new devices on hundreds of virtual patients as well as to create representative physical test models.

By increasing the anatomical understanding, Virtual Patients helps drive innovation, reduce the number of design iterations, limit the need for cadaveric and patient testing, reduce the range of sizing, and speed up the time to market medical devices that perform safely and effectively across an entire population.

Join us in this webinar as Mr Adam Shallenberg, from medical device company DJO, will walk you through the design process of the latest DJO Exprt® Revision hip, including the added value of a high-quality population analysis by Materialise.


In this webinar recording, you will learn more about:

  • How Virtual Patients enables engineers to optimize medical devices while reducing design iterations, cadaveric/patient testing, range of sizing, and time required to market.
  • Why population analysis helps drive innovation and stay ahead of the competition.
  • How DJO applied these novel techniques to create its Exprt® Revision Hip.

Adam Shallenberg

About the speaker

Adam Shallenberg, P.E. is the Engineering Manager for the hip segment at DJO Surgical in Austin, Texas where he has worked for eight years. Adam has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arkansas and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Texas. Adam works closely with a team of design surgeons and leads a team of engineers to develop and launch new hip implant and instrumentation products.

The team’s most recent release is the EXPRT™ Revision Hip system which is a full-line revision product with anatomically inspired design and improved efficiency requiring only two pans of instruments. Adam will discuss how Materialise analysis tools and services were leveraged to ensure the streamlined system provides excellent anatomic fit and covers a wide variety of anatomic sizes and shapes.


Materialise medical device software may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/ or medical practices in individual markets. In countries where no regulatory registration is obtained of Mimics and/or 3-matic Medical, a research version is available. Please contact your Materialise representative if you have questions about the availability of Materialise medical device software in your area.


This content is intended for Health Care Professionals only.

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