AM Helps MMI Become Microsurgery Instrumentation Success Story

Solutions: Certified Additive Manufacturing, Laser Sintering

After developing the world’s smallest wristed instruments for microsurgery, MMI needed to quickly make their products market-ready. Discover how AM helped make this possible — and continued to shine once they began producing end-use parts. 

How AM Is Helping CNH Steer a Stronger Supply Chain Strategy

Solutions: Additive Manufacturing

Like many other businesses throughout the world, CNH ran into supply chain challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But with AM in their toolkit and a strategic partner to guide them, CNH quickly adapted, avoiding major potential losses as a result.

94% Lighter, 50% Cheaper, and More Performant – Optimizing a Suction Gripper Design for Metal 3D Printing

Solutions: Magics, Metal Production

Production tools are one of the applications where additive manufacturing truly shines. By optimizing the design of this suction gripper for 3D printing, Materialise reduced the manufacturing costs per gripper by half.

Shell Brings Robotic Inspection to the Global Energy Industry

Solutions: Laser Sintering, Stereolithography

Employing robots to conduct equipment inspections is a longstanding focus for Shell – one with potentially huge safety and efficiency benefits. To avoid transporting its large and valuable robots to promotional events, Shell asked Materialise to create smaller models to serve as demonstrators. Through a bespoke combination of 3D Printing technologies, materials and finishing techniques, Materialise produced two precise replicas that look exactly like the original machines.

QualiCal’s METRO puts 3D Printing in the Limelight

Solutions: Certified Additive Manufacturing, Laser Sintering

Italian engineering company QualiCal saw an opportunity for innovation in lime production, and asked — could 3D printing help eliminate the single biggest cause of production downtime? It could and it has. Partnering with us, QualiCal developed a shaft level indicator that offers the potential for increased revenue of up to €1,400,000.

Philips’ Lightbulb Moment: 3D Printing Becomes Essential Production Thinking

Solutions: Additive Manufacturing, Metal 3D Printing

Working together Materialise and Philips Lighting explored the benefits 3D Printing could offer for components in a production environment. The first two parts we developed; a lamp holder bracket, previously prone to part failure and a redesigned suction gripper; are together realizing cost savings of around €89,000 a year.

Materialise Grippers for Assembly Line Automation

Solutions: Additive Manufacturing, Certified Additive Manufacturing, Grippers

Materialise’s pneumatic grippers made an appearance at the EXPO MILANO 2015, giving a hand (literally) to ABB’s dual-arm robot, YuMi. With these grippers, YuMi can do much of what human hands can do in an assembly-line job, with more precision and consistency.