Terms of Use

Contact details:
Materialise NV
Technologielaan 15
3001 Leuven
Phone: +32 16 39 66 11
Fax: +32 16 39 66 00.

By accessing and using the website you express your explicit agreement with the following general terms and conditions. Materialise NV reserves the right to alter or delete material from the website at any time, and Materialise NV may, at any time, revise the terms and conditions, the legal disclaimer or other policies set forth in this website by updating it. Such modifications shall be deemed effective immediately upon posting on Materialise NV’s website. Any continued use of the website shall be deemed conclusive of your acceptance of the modified terms and conditions, the legal disclaimer of Materialise NV and other policies.


代表取締役 ヨウ・アンセウ



1.    個人情報の取得、利用及び提供について




2.    グループ会社間での個人情報の共同利用について

当社は、ベルギーに本社を置くMaterialise NV (住所:Technologielaan 15, 3001 Leuven, Belgium)の日本支社であり、Materialiseグループは世界各地に支社を持つグローバル企業です。そのため、グローバルな規模でのプライバシーポリシーを策定しており、個人情報は当該ポリシーに従い適切に保護され、上記の利用目的の必要な範囲内でグローバルに移転、アクセス、保存等が行われます。


3.    個人データの漏えい等の防止について



4.    個人情報保護管理体制について



5.    お問い合わせ先


Materialise NV 住所:Technologielaan 15, 3001 Leuven, Belgium

マテリアライズジャパン(株) 住所:〒221-0052 横浜市神奈川区栄町8-1 YPSビル2F

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Intellectual property rights

This websites www.materialise.com, www.mgxbymaterialise.com and their contents are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You may print the texts for private use; they may only be distributed with Materialise NV's consent. You may quote them (without any modification) provided that you always refer to the authentic source. You may reproduce a part of them provided that you always refer to the authentic source, except for commercial purposes, in which case reproduction, even with specification of the source, is not allowed without Materialise NV’s express consent.

All the trademarks used on the website are the property of their respective holders.

You are prohibited from altering, damaging or defacing the website or adding any unauthorized material or to attempt to alter, damage or deface the website or add any unauthorized material.

Applicable law and competent courts
This site is subject to Belgian law. In case of a dispute only the courts in the district of Leuven have jurisdiction.