Shell Brings Robotic Inspection to the Global Energy Industry

Solutions: Laser Sintering, Stereolithography

Employing robots to conduct equipment inspections is a longstanding focus for Shell – one with potentially huge safety and efficiency benefits. To avoid transporting its large and valuable robots to promotional events, Shell asked Materialise to create smaller models to serve as demonstrators. Through a bespoke combination of 3D Printing technologies, materials and finishing techniques, Materialise produced two precise replicas that look exactly like the original machines.

QualiCal’s METRO puts 3D Printing in the Limelight

Solutions: Certified Additive Manufacturing, Laser Sintering

Italian engineering company QualiCal saw an opportunity for innovation in lime production, and asked — could 3D printing help eliminate the single biggest cause of production downtime? It could and it has. Partnering with us, QualiCal developed a shaft level indicator that offers the potential for increased revenue of up to €1,400,000.

Röchling Automotive Is Shifting Gears to Make an Engine 35% Lighter

Solutions: Metal Production

Engineering and manufacturing company Röchling Automotive was given an ambitious target by one of their automobile OEM customers: to reduce the weight of an engine by 35%. After partnering with Materialise to optimize, design, cast an aluminum inlet and print in plastic around the metal core, they are on their way to meeting this goal.

94% Lighter, 50% Cheaper, and More Performant – Optimizing a Suction Gripper Design for Metal 3D Printing

Solutions: Magics, Metal Production

Production tools are one of the applications where additive manufacturing truly shines. By optimizing the design of this suction gripper for 3D printing, Materialise reduced the manufacturing costs per gripper by half.

10 Years of 3D Printing at Samsonite: Innovation from Design to the Production Line

Solutions: Additive Manufacturing, Grippers, Rapid Prototyping

From concept to mass production, innovation is wired into Samsonite’s manufacturing DNA. Over the last ten years, 3D printing has helped the design team find original solutions to complex challenges as they move new projects forward.

Pushing boundaries by ‘normalizing new’: 3DP has become business as usual for Labman Automation

Solutions: Certified Additive Manufacturing, Metal 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping

Labman has been at the forefront of designing custom laboratory automation products and solutions for almost 30 years – its robots can be found in over 42 countries, in locations ranging from prestigious research institutions to the development rooms of major manufacturers. With a focus on innovation and a ‘can do’, curious approach, the business is frequently called in to solve automated process puzzles thought insurmountable. And increasingly it’s using 3D printing to do it. 

To See a Song: Materialise Designers Turn Abstract Idea to Personalized Car Speaker Grill Design

This case dives into what can be achieved when the Materialise Design and Engineering team applies their extensive design and additive knowledge to an abstract idea. Read on to discover how they made it possible to see your favorite song and make it a centerpiece in your car. 

How Metal 3D Printing Helps Cool DARE’s First Liquid-Fueled Rocket Engine

How do you cool a rocket engine that burns at over 2000 degrees Celsius? That was just one of the challenges facing a group of students at TU Delft in Project Sparrow. 

How eVTOL Startup LIFT Got ‘Flight-Ready’ in Less than 13 Months with AM

Safety and speed of innovation: two concepts notoriously difficult to balance, certainly when it comes to aviation. Not so for US-based eVTOL business, LIFT Aircraft Inc. This startup is on a mission to make flight accessible to all. And they are well on their way to achieving it with HEXA — a new type of aircraft that anyone can fly.

Rethinking and Redesigning: Upgrading an Automotive Tool with Additive Manufacturing

Solutions: Metal 3D Printing

After designers and engineers at Materialise recognized flaws in automotive drape forming, they took up the challenge to redesign a production tool with AM. 

Impression 3D de pièces métalliques légères à grande échelle pour Pinarello : 2 000 pièces de la commande à la livraison toutes les trois semaines

Solutions: Metal 3D Printing

Pinarello avait un objectif principal en tête pour ses nouveaux vélos de course : la réduction du poids. Ils avaient besoin de partenaires expérimentés dans les technologies de fabrication de pointe, capables de gérer leur temps, leur budget et leurs objectifs de production. Découvrez comment Materialise y est parvenu grâce à l'impression 3D métal et à des flux de travail personnalisés.

Comment la FA aide CNH à renforcer sa stratégie au niveau de sa chaîne d'approvisionnement

Solutions: Additive Manufacturing

Comme beaucoup d'autres entreprises dans le monde, CNH a été confronté à des difficultés de chaîne d'approvisionnement en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19. Mais avec AM dans leur boîte à outils et un partenaire stratégique pour les guider, CNH s'est rapidement adapté, évitant ainsi des pertes potentielles importantes.